This program checks whether the homogeneity of error variance assumption has been violated and conducts a test for moderation using analyses other than moderated multiple regression (MMR) when there is a violation of the assumption.

INSTRUCTIONS: First, click on "Add Sub-Group" to indicate the number of moderator-based categories. Then, for each sub-group, enter its sample size, standard deviation for the preditor X, standard deviation for the criterion Y, and the correlation between X and Y. Then, click on "Run ALTMMR" to obtain results on whether the homogeneity of error variance assumption has been violated and alternative and more accurate statistics than moderated multiple regresssion (MMR) to use and report when it has.

Source: Aguinis, H., Petersen, S. A., & Pierce, C. A. (1999). Appraisal of the homogeneity of error variance assumption and alternatives to multiple regression for estimating moderating effects of categorical variables. Organizational Research Methods, 2, 315-339. [copyright notice: You may download this article for one-time personal use only; please obtain publisher permission for any further distribution, publication, or commercial use.][pdf]