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Book Chapters & Monographs in Edited Series


Aguinis, H. in press. Understanding digital transformation: Programmatic theory and research to the rescue. In M. Bonnet and E. Monod, et al. (Eds.), Digital transformation. Information Age Publishing. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2023. Preface: Using the socio-economic approach to management to tackle societal grand challenges. In H. Savall and V. Sardett (Eds.), Socio-Economic approach to management treatise: Theory and practices: xvii-xix. Information Age Publishing. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Joo, H. 2015. Debunking myths and urban legends about how to identify influential outliers. In C.E. Lance and R.J. Vandenberg (Eds.), More statistical and methodological myths and urban legends: 206-223. New York: Routledge. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. 2013. What corporate environmental sustainability can do for industrial-organizational psychology. In A. H. Huffman and S. R. Klein (Eds.), Green organizations: Driving change with I-O psychology: 379-392. New York: Routledge. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Aguinis, H. 2011. Organizational responsibility: Doing good and doing well. In S. Zedeck (Ed.), APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology: vol. 3, 855-879. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Aguinis, H., & Smith, M. A. 2010. Balancing adverse impact, selection errors, and employee performance in the presence of test bias. In J. L. Outtz (Ed.), Adverse impact: Implications for organizational staffing and high stakes selection: 403-423. New York: Routledge. [SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series]. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Sackett, P. R., Shen, W., Myors, B., Lievens, F., Schollaert, E., Van Hoye, G., Cronshaw, S. F., Onyura, B., Mladinic, A., Rodríguez, V., Steiner, D. D., Rolland, F., Schuler, H., Frintrup, A., Nikolaou, I., Tomprou, M., Subramony, S., Raj, S. B., Tzafrir, S., Bamberger, P. Bertolino, M., Mariani, M., Fraccaroli, F., Sekiguchi, T., Yang, H., Anderson, N. R., Evers, A., Chernyshenko, O., Englert, P., Kriek, H.J., Joubert, T., Salgado, J. F., König, C.J., Thommen, L. A., Chuang, A., Sinangil, H. K., Bayazit, M., Cook, M., & Aguinis, H. 2010. Perspectives from twenty-two countries on the legal environment for selection. In J. L. Farr and N. T. Tippins (Eds), Handbook of employee selection: 651-676. New York, NY: Routledge. [Note: The first two authors integrated the text material provided by all other authors, who contributed equally]. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Aguinis, H. 2009. An expanded view of performance management. In J. W. Smither and M. London (Eds.), Performance management: Putting research into practice: 1- 43. San Francisco, CA: Wiley. [Lead chapter; SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series]. [pdf] [explainer podcast]

  • book received the 2010 R. Wayne Pace HRD Book of the Year Award from the Academy of Human Resource Development.

Aguinis, H., & Harden, E. E. 2009. Cautionary note on conveniently dismissing χ² goodness-of-fit test results: Implications for strategic management research. In D. D. Bergh and D. J. Ketchen (Eds.), Research methodology in strategy and management: vol. 5, 111-120. Howard House, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Aguinis, H., & Harden, E. E. 2009. Sample size rules of thumb: Evaluating three common practices. In C. E. Lance and R. J. Vandenberg (Eds.), Statistical and methodological myths and urban legends: Received doctrine, verity, and fable in the organizational and social sciences: 269-288. New York: Routledge. [pdf] [explainer podcast]


Aguinis, H., & Pierce, C. A. 2008. The frustrating search for interaction effects. In D. Barry and H. Hansen (Eds.), The Sage handbook of new approaches in management and organization: 152-153. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [pdf]


Starbuck, W. H., Aguinis, H., Konrad, A.M., & Baruch, Y. 2008. Tradeoffs among editorial goals in complex publishing environments. In Y. Baruch, A. M. Konrad, H. Aguinis, and W. H. Starbuck (Eds.), Opening the black box of editorship: 250-270. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2006. Personnel selection procedures in Latin America. In P. Buller and R. Schuler (Eds.), Managing organizations and people: Cases in management, organizational behavior, and human resource management (7th ed.) (Module VI-Managing Diversity, Case #39). Mason, OH: Thomson-South-Western. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Roth, H.A. 2005. Teaching in China: Culture-based challenges. In I. Alon & J. R. McIntyre (Eds.), Business and management education in China: Transition, pedagogy, and training: 141-164. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing. [pdf]

  • Book reviewed in Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2008, 7, 285-287.

Aguinis, H. 2004. Introduction to test-score banding in human resource selection. In H. Aguinis (Ed.), Test-score banding in human resource selection: Legal, technical, and societal issues: 1-6. Westport, CT: Praeger. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Harden, E. 2004. Will banding benefit my organization? An application of multi-attribute utility analysis. In H. Aguinis (Ed.), Test-score banding in human resource selection: Legal, technical, and societal issues: 193-216. Westport, CT: Praeger. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Henle, C.A. 2003. The search for universals in cross-cultural organizational behavior. In J. Greenberg (Ed.), Organizational behavior: The state of the science, 2nd edition: 373-411. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [pdf]

  • Book nominated for the 2005 Academy of Management George R. Terry Book Award

Aguinis, H., & Henle, C.A. 2002. Ethics in research. In S.G. Rogelberg (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology: 34-56. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., Henle, C.A., & Ostroff, C. 2001. Measurement in work and organizational psychology. In N. Anderson, D.S. Ones, H.K. Sinangil, and C. Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology: vol. 1, pp. 27-50. London, U.K.: Sage. [pdf]


Kraiger, K., & Aguinis, H. 2001. Training effectiveness: Assessing training needs, motivation, and accomplishments. In M. London (Ed.), How people evaluate others in organizations: 203-220. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Pierce, C.A. 1999. Improving the power of moderated multiple regression to estimate interaction effects. Academy of Management Research Methods Division Forum, vol. 4 [On-line]. Available: 1999 Forum, vol. 4.


Aguinis, H. 1990. Universidades y juventud [Universities and youth]. In M. Aguinis (Ed.) Memorias de una siembra: Utopía y práctica del PRONDEC (Programa Nacional de Democratización de la Cultura): 239-245. [Memoirs of a sowing: Utopia and practice of PRONDEC (National Program for Culture Democratization)]. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Planeta-Sudamericana. [pdf]

Additional Publications


Villamor, I., & Aguinis, H. 2024. How to fix the "Think Star, Think Men" bias. AACSB insights.


Aguinis, H. 2024. Helping business schools swim out the irresponsible research perfect storm. Global Focus—The EFMD Business Magazine, 18(2): 5-12. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2023. On measurement and the progress of science. Organizational Research Methods 25th Anniversary Special Collection.


Gooty, J., Ruggs, E. N., Aguinis, H., Bergeron, D. M., Eby, L. T., van Knippenberg, D., Post, C., Rupp, D. E., Thatcher, S. M. B., Tonidandel, S., & Yammarino, F. J. 2023. Making business school leadership gender-inclusive. AACSB insights.


Aguinis, H. 2022. The performance promoter score: A quick and effective method to improve performance. People & Work, 7 (November): 6-11. [pdf]


Munson, L., & Aguinis, H. 2021. SIOP Award Winners: Meet Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Winner: Herman Aguinis. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist. https://www.siop.org/Research-Publications/Items-of-Interest/ArtMID/19366/ArticleID/5251/preview/true


Aguinis, H. 2020. Research that matters. GWBusiness Magazine, Spring 2020, 13-16. https://issuu.com/gwbusiness/docs/sb_1920_16_gwsbspringlmagazine_6.16.20_single_page/14


Aguinis, H. 2020. Understanding COVID-19: A behavioral corporate social responsibility perspective. Online COVID 19-Forum supported by ONE, ARCS, GRONEN and NBS. https://one.aom.org/covid-19-insights-from-business-sustainability-scholars


Aguinis, H., Cascio, W. F., & Ramani, R. S. 2017. Ouch, that hurts! On torturing the data until they confess. Academy of International Business Research Methods Special Interest Group Newsletter, June: 12-13. [pdf]


Scott, J. C., Aguinis, H., McWha, I., Rupp, D. E., Thompson, L. F., & Cruse, S. (2013). News from the SIOP-United Nations Team: SIOP has joined the UN Global Compact and so can you! The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 50(4), 65-68. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Cascio, W. F. 2008. Narrowing the science-practice divide: A call to action. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 46(2), 27-34. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Vandenberg, R. J. 2008. Organizational Research Methods yearly update. Organizational Research Methods, 11, 3-5. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2007. Organizational Research Methods yearly update. Organizational Research Methods, 10, 3-4. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2006. From Río Cuarto to Denver. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 43(4), 57-61. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2006. Organizational Research Methods yearly update. Organizational Research Methods, 9, 1-2. [pdf]


Aguinis, H. 2005. Organizational Research Methods update. Organizational Research Methods, 8, 7-8. [pdf]


Aguinis, H., & Henle, C.A. 2001. Conducting ethical research: Much more than just a good idea. Academy of Management Research Methods Division Newsletter, 16(1), 1, 3-4, 13, 17-18.


Aguinis, H. 1999, February 14. Looking for love? Survey shows it's in workplace. Denver Rocky Mountain News, 2G.


Aguinis, H. 1998, March 15. El capital intelectual [Intellectual capital]. La Nación, 1 (Section 8).


Aguinis, H. 1997, February 9. Relaciones peligrosas [Dangerous liaisons]. La Nación, 1 (Section 8).


Aguinis, H. 1997, July 27. Empleados sólo por un tiempo [Employees just for some time]. La Nación, 1 (Section 8).


Aguinis, H., & Kraiger, K. 1997. Practicing what we preach: Competency-based assessment of industrial/organizational psychology graduate students. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 34(4), 34-39. [pdf]


Pierce, C. A., & Aguinis, H. 1997, January 3. Workplace romances: Implications for your career. Career Magazine [On-line]. Available: www.careermag. com/newsarts/onthejob/romance.html.


Aguinis, H. 1996, November 3. Job Analysis: Pilar estratégico de los recursos humanos [Job Analysis: Strategic pillar of human resources management]. La Nación, 1 (Section 8).


Aguinis, H., & Kraiger, K. 1996. Intervening in emerging markets: Back to the basics, or go home empty-handed. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 33(3), 84-87. [pdf ]

  • Reprinted in Norris-Watts, C. & Levy, P.E. (2003). Study Guide to accompany Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Understanding the workplace (pp. 160-163).

MacKenzie, T. A., & Aguinis, H. 1996. The World Wide Web: A new resource for psychology students, faculty, and professionals. Eye on Psi Chi, 1(1), 21-23. [pdf ]


Aguinis, H., Nesler, M. S., Quigley, B. M., Lee, S., & Tedeschi, J. T. 1995. Positive and negative graduate student reactions to powerful faculty supervisors. Graduate Student News, 14(March), 1-3.


Pierce, C. A., & Aguinis, H. 1995. Are workplace romances good or bad? CAPstone, 2, 2.


Aguinis, H. 1994. Using computer-assisted instruction to teach research methods. Academy of Management Research Methods Division Newsletter, 9(2), 13-15.


Aguinis, H. 1993. The detection of moderator variables using moderated multiple regression: The effects of range restriction, unreliability, sample size, and the proportion of subjects in subgroups (Doctoral dissertation, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1993). Dissertation Abstracts International (B), 54/04, 2253.


Aguinis, H. 1992. The role of cultural diversity in organizations: The case of the Argentine subsidiaries of U.S. multinationals. Master's thesis, University at Albany, State University of New York.


Starr, J.B., Ferdman, B.M., & Aguinis, H. 1989. Electronic mail: A quick and inexpensive channel of communications. Interamerican Psychologist, 68/69, 14.