Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research

© 2025, 616 pages
ISBN 978-1-07187-194-2


This page includes resources for the book Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research (2025, Sage). In case of queries, feel free to email me at

Place your mouse on each resource and then left-click it to download it.
Chapter Number Program/File Name Source + Executable Files Data Files
Chapter 9 R Code for Errors-in-Variables ANCOVA link to R script
Chapter 9 Tools for estimating statistical power for moderation (i.e., interaction) tests link to programs
Chapter 10 R script and illustrative data for multilevel modeling link to annotated R code and data file
Chapter 10 Program for power analysis in multilevel modeling link to program
Chapter 11 R Code and data files for Meta-regression analysis link to R script and data files
Chapter 12 Market Basket Analysis illustrative data Excel format
Chapter 12 Bayesian Analysis illustrative data Excel format